Friday, June 6, 2008

SSM test spells trouble!

I dont even think i'm remotely near passing. Especially if you kena Mr Goh as your examiner. Damn suay. The other tutors were freaking nice and lenient except for him and Mr Chia. WTH is wrong with them? Tsktsk. But many people didnt do so well either la. We'll just wait and hope for the best:/ Keeping fingers crossed.
Accounts paper was rather okay. Can't say i did well neither can i say i screwed it as bad as how i did for SSM.

Have been going out a lot this week. Haha. It feels so unreal. It's been a long time since i last went out to town. Watched narnia with samsee on monday and then out for muthu curry's prata hse with her and don. Yes, sam. Hahah a rotijohn, a murtabak, 2 pratas (if i have not mistaken), a plate of mee goreng and 5 bundungs add up to 3 fat pigs.
Then out with jeff on wednesday to town again.
Met up with bitch clan yesterday too! Crazy people i tell you!
Will be out to a party tmr night. Then off to cousin's house to slack my ass off on Sunday. Such life equals to total yayness eh!

Guess i'll get down to serious work this weekend. Super alot of deadlines to meet. I have my entrepreneurship individual and BSE group report due when school reopens, public speaking special occasion speech to be presented on the first week of school and TTO and geog travel submission dates. And then off to CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENA next friday!!

And TQB told us something her friend said. It goes..
Love is like pubic hair. It just keeps growing and never stops...

Haha, gross. But somewhat true.

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