Sunday, January 20, 2008

HEY! Been a loooooooooong time since i last blogged. Yeah. Past few days were damn crappy man. Next week too, but not as bad.

I need to get a life, seriously. I have been working my guts out and been sleeping at 1 in the morning in order to finish all my school stuff. Well, at least marketing oral assessment and law individual project are over and done with. Left with a whole lot of econs, marketing presentation, BCS dreamweaver to be done. And Jap listening test's next thursday too.

Something very very bad happened at training today. I DISLOCATED MY RIGHT SHOULDER AND IT WAS FREAKING PAIN. Dior sent me to the nearest clinic and the doctor said my ligament's damn loose. It's known as partial dislocation. So how? Can't train for the next two weeks): Gotta go for an X-ray too. Oh man..

LOL. Yeah, so no training=lifeless. Guess i'll be a good boy and take this time to study for final years. Okay, i'm going to take my nap now. Tatas.

not so noble with a loose arm.

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