Sunday, January 27, 2008

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The week's finally over! Really hectic i must say! OB, marketing, Jap, econs and comm skills are all over and done with! There's still BCS dreamweaver left but thank goodness it's almost completed.

The week was really tough. I had to take my pain killers every now and then in order to ease the pain in my shoulder. The hospital rung me up on Monday and told me that there's a crack in my shoulder bone. Yeah, gonna see the orthopaediatrician on Monday for a check up. That means i get to skip an hour of comm skills! Hahaha. And i have been sleeping less than 7 hrs for the past three days due to never ending datelines to meet. Maybe i'll turn in earlier tonight.

Well, marketing individual results aren't that good anyway. Had a D. Kinda expected it though. Most of the people in my class got either a D or a C too. But what i heard was that the students who are not under aloysius lee got rather bad grades. Funny hur. But oh well, i don't really care since it's already over. At least i got rather good results for my comm skills and Jap(:

Okay, i'm damnnnnnnnnn hungry now. I skipped lunch just to finish BCS. Omg, i can't believe i didn't take lunch.

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