Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hey all! Back to updates! Hahah. My crazy ass laptop crashed yesterday. Freaking pissed. I have to use my sister's one now to blog. Lol. And for those who didnt know, BARNEY is actually my sister. As in my real, kin, connected-by-blood sister. She's one lame shit, i know. But i still love her as much:D
Had waterpolo meeting on monday. CCA recruitment and important dates like that coming up. Met sarah leow and some 02 peeps with some waterpolo dudes for dinner @ bedok 85 after that. The Bak Chor Mee was simply tantilising. Heavenly! Then BZ had to show us something so freaky all of us didnt dare to go home, i swear. It was some picture of her with her friend and there was a you-know-what in it too. You could have imagined how frightened i was when i was walking home all alone at 12 midnight.
Tuesdays and Wednesdays spent sleeping, as usual. Like seriously man. How cool would it be to have sleeping as an occupation? I would have already been a millionare ages ago.
Then Thursday was a tad more productive. Haha. Went for training and did super a lot of leg work. Yeah, my butt hurt so much that night and it is still hurting now. I is going to have a bubble butt soon! ;)
Miraculously, i can't really recall what happened yesterday. Hahah, see see? Sleeping makes you go bonkers. Yup, life is mundane. Especially without a laptop. Tsk. Never mind. I shall do what i do best later.
Okay, since i have been so narcissistic (you have no idea how much i love myself) and have been talking about a no-lifer for the past 5 minutes, i repent by posting INTERESTING FACTS PART 2:
1. Marilyn Monroe had six toes. (I had no idea too.)
2. Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin. (Sick. You are breathing in your dead skin right now as you are reading this.)
3. A snail can sleep for three years. (HA! Snails are my best friends from now on!)
4. On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year. (Hallelujah.)
5. Turtles can breathe through their butts. (GROSS! Does that mean they can fart and release their waste through their mouths?)

Last but not least..
The ultimate fact..
You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television. (Take that, TV junkies!)

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