Saturday, March 8, 2008

I'm entirely pissed and upset with this because i typed a whole post and blogger was unable to post it up. When i wanted to go back, "TA-DAAAA!" , the post was gone. Tsktsk. Oh well, at least i will be able to kill some time trying to re-type another one.

Yesterday was oficially "back to training" day. Didnt do much actually. Just did legwork and some other stuff. And the school pool's water was damn gross. The whole pool was filled with creepy crawlies man. They covered almost the entire part of the pool we were at. Some were the big, "man-eating" ones while some were small and squirmy. Inevitably, i swallowed three and i heard Melvin choking on some. Sick, i know.

I'd better catch up on my sleep eh. This sunday is chalet night! Chalet=no sleep. Yeah, watch out for those monstrous eyebags on monday morning.

Then again, i'm lazy to continue the rest of my post because i'm still feeling irritated. (and super lazy) Yes, laziness is consuming my entire life, seriously. But i dont really care. I like ;)

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