Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm headwaiter for sugarloaf's operation next tuesday! Dang, man!
On a lighter note, i have fun people working with me. Oh-the-happiness now!:D

And my my, i cannot emphasize how much i love American Idol. Best show of all time. My bet for the winner? No doubt, DAVID COOK yo!
And my my (again), i can hardly contain my excitement. For what? America's Next Top Model season finale. The call for the champ? WHITNEY, bay-beh!

Okay, the thought of next tuesday is making me wanna puke. So many things to cramp, so little time. I miss being a year one eh. Sudden nostalgia. Year 2 is becoming more and more dreadfulllllllllllllllllllllllllll. Oh well, will be heading off to sunny+bikini babes island next semester so that's something to look forward to! And of course, POLO, POLO and more POLO!

Qiuling: Hello bitch! Miss you! And i know you miss me too!:D
Steph: Hey hey! Long time no see! Meet up soon eh!

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