Thursday, July 31, 2008

HAHAH. I sense a dead blog in making, not!

So damn freaking tired. Training, school, training and all over again. Dont even know how i have been surviving with such a hectic schedule and little sleep. I ish a strong boyxzxz worhxzx.
Hahahaha. Yes, thats the new way of talking. In thing in class now eh. Garie calls it "twit" and every monday is official twit day. It's really tiring trying to act lianxzx or bengxzx i tell you.

Accounts, TTO and prof tests are finally over. PHEW. I dont really bother if i do well for them or not (most prolly very bad) because i really have no time to prepare for all three. And BESE test 2 is tmr. How amazingly amazing. Tsk.

Okay, i really have to get back to mugging otherwise i'll be rather screwed tmr.

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