Sunday, July 13, 2008

Rants n' Ravings!

School is practically sucking blood outta me!

BESE assignment due tmr.
Accounts test on tuesday.
SSM proficiency test on tueday.
TTO presentation on friday.
Water polo almost every other day.
TTO textbook out of stock.
TTO open book test in 2 weeks. (See? No book how to study??)
TTO field trip clashes with water polo pre-olympics. (DANG!)
BESE test in 2 weeks.
I'm feeling hungry.
Studying pick up chart for SSM is like hell.
My contacts have expired.
School starts tmr.
Hell week all over again.

Diarrhea is long gone though. (HAHA, eh Sulin, you damn suay la!)

Sis is back from HK too! KRISPY KREME RAWKS MY SOCKS! She bought 6 back from HK! Great stuff, i tell you!

<-------- This is seriously some cool shit! Oh, i mean donuts.
And guess what? I finally got my facebook account! But it's a tad user-friendly, not.

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