Thursday, December 6, 2007


Jap's presentation tmr and i have yet to fully prepare for it. lol. Really gonna die. And i just found out marketing individual assignment is actually due at 5pm so thank goodness man. God bless marketing teachers. BCS is sort of done la, just have to polish things up.

Anyway, sch's really good today because of the weather. hahah. It's been raining since morning and it didnt stop till just. Sarah was being annoyingly stupid during marketing tutorial today, doodling on my notes till i had a hard time rubbing them all off. Then stayed back in school to do some BCS (which wasnt very productive) and emily had to remind me of BCS online homework. tsktsk. yea. This week's gonna be CCRRAAZZYY!

On a higher note, skanky girls at 10pm really brightened my day plus i saw you-know-who. hahah. And there's ANTM tmr. God bless Channel 5 too.

Ok, gtg prepare for tmr already. I havent even decided what i want to wear tmr la. Aiyah, stupid presentations are making me go mad too.

hey girl, your smile mesmerizes me.
11.38pm (<---the blogger clock is a lil' 'kuku' so i have to put my own time)

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