Friday, December 7, 2007

WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!! Individual assignments are finally over!! Got to study for mid-sem tests man.

Morning was seriously crappy shit. I woke up later than expected, found that my BCS file wasn't in the CD (some virus attacked it), had to call amanda (tan) to help me burn another copy for submission, left the house very late, couldn't find a cab at the main road (it was already 8.20 then and the project was due at 9am), called a cab which came only 10 minutes later and the cost of the ride was a grand total of 21 (freaking) bucks. Here is how it goes: $2.50 basic fare, $4.00 calling fare, $2.00 peak charge (is that how they term it?) and another additional $12++ for the ride. 21 bucks could have gotten me 10 plates of chicken rice or 63 pieces of pancakes or 8 plates of chicken chop at Biz Park. LOL. Thank goodness i made it or i'll just slap myself silly.

Stayed back in school to do some marketing but i didnt really do anything ultimately. Just ended up changing the title of my work and printing everything. Then met MELVIN TAN for lunch, went to free access lab to slack and then went home with MELVIN TAN, don and sylvia.
(Eh, your name appeared twice already, MELVIN TAN (ok, now thrice). Happy? Hahaha.)

Guess the weekend's gonna be super duper hectic again. Damn sian. But i'll be free by next tuesday!!! FREE FREE FREE, i just love the sound of it! :D

hey girl, your smile mesmerizes me.

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