Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Woah, time really flies man. 2007's gone just like that. Well, i think 2007 is a rather boring year. Nothing much except for the fact that i am alr in tertiary education and made many new friends. So since there's nothing much to blog about, here are some juicy bits you didnt know about THE NOBLE ONE:

I used to be a left hander till i was 4.
I used to suffer from very serious asthma.
I broke my right arm when i was 3 and there's a scar of seven stitches now.
I have lived in serangoon area for 17 years.
It is said that diabetes runs in my family ):
I was supposed to be an 8th January 1991 baby but i came out too early.
I have a mole that is around 3 cm beside my left nipple. LOL.
I hate roaches.
Pierre Cardin is my favourite brand of underwear.
I sing very very very very loudly to myself when nobody's at home.
I dance infront of my bathroom mirror after bathing.
I see my Dad less than 3 weeks a year because he is working overseas. (Miss you, dad!)
My sister says i am an adopted child.
Both my parents used to be from OCS. Damn zai.
I have an IQ of 123.
I used to feed the fishes in Holy Innocents' Primary with 5 cent coins.
I thought i saw a bat-bee-lion thing in primary 5. (And i still think it exists!)
I am allergic to corn.
and I am still a virgin.



peng fei said...
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jL said...

Gor here...

Fang pi la virgin! hahaha!!

thought u gave it to SAW already!?


i wonder if one day "SAW" says "all i want for christmas is you(chern ron)"

What will you do my di!!!!!! hahaha!

hahatan said...