Saturday, February 2, 2008


January is finally over! Like finally! Such a bad month it was! Had so many projects, the shoulder injury and the crazy waterpolo-is-closing-down thing. Ironically, 8 days predicted that January's supposed to be the peak period for Capricorns (i'm one!). For the worse or for the better? I guess it's the former. Oh well, i dont really care since it's Feb alr.

And waterpolo is going to continue as a team in TP(: DAMN HAPPY!:D (SEE SEE?? GOOD THINGS SEEM TO HAPPEN IN FEB.) Just that we'll be a recreational team rather than a competitive one. But who cares man? At least we are still able to function. Hahah.

Exams are around the corner too. Gonna have my BCS paper next tuesday followed by my law paper on the 16th. The rest of my papers will end by Feb. And CNY's next week! ANG BAOs will be flooding in again man! yes! here comes my source of "income"! hahahaha.
Okay enough crapping, gtg study for BCS alr. Yeah, it's super boring.

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