Wednesday, September 3, 2008

BURNT & DRAINED. But i like(:

Have been training continuously non-stop for 2 days. From morning to night. Here's how the schedule goes..
Monday: Gym in the morning, swimming in the afternoon, break, swimming in the evening.
Tuesday: Gym in the morning, swimming in the afternoon. Period.
Wednesday, thursday, friday: Please refer back to Mondaaaaaaaaaaay.
Saturday: Game training in the morning in school.
Sunday: Game training in the morning at Queenstown.
Hahah. My holidays are practically packed with trainings.
Yes! Train, train, train! POLITE, POLITE, POLITE!

Yes, exams are finally over. Phew. Denotes the studying at Sentosa next sememster! Oo-lala~

Went out with tucky, qL and dom on last week. Been a long time since i last saw them man. Still as gossipy as ever. Haha. It was really nice hanging out with them especially when hectic school life for this semester has ended. Just sat down and chatted. No, i meant bitched and gossiped.

Oh, watched 4bia today with jeff and melvin too. Cool and freaky man. Shutter is still much better though.

Okay, i'm officially "knonked out". I need my soft, comfy, cozy bed/pillow/blanket/bolster now!

Qiuling: mine's over too! and remember the flick c**k game? ;)
Steph: hahah see! who ask you didnt go back the other day!
Tucky: oops, haven't heard it yet! ha and do meet up soon yo!
Dom: Linked!!!!!!!!:D

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