Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm shagged like a kuku nehneh. (Do pardon me. I'm a total physical and mental wreck right now)

Have been training like hell the past few days. Really. The total amount i have swam for the past five days is equivalent the the amount i swam since i was born till last week.

Monday: I forgot how much the team swam but definitely more than 5km. Gymed in the morning too.
Tuesday: Gymed then swam 1km. (yes, slackest day by far)
Wednesday: Gymed then swam 1km then rested till 5pm. True enough, Queenstown training at 5pm marked hell training. Did 152*25metres laps under an hour, 1-10 pyramid swim*25 metres, 6 sets of 4*25 metres, 10*50metres (one minute round).
Total distance? 7.275km. Killer.
Thursday: Also quite slack. Gymed then headed to school pool for not-so-hiong training.
Friday (today): Did 142*25metres laps under 45 mins, 5 sets of 8*25metres laps, 10 sets of 4*25metres laps, 10*50metres (one minute round).
Total distance? 6.05km. Killer.

See see? More than 15km in a week. And i'll be training with this routine for the next one and a half months. Oh my tian. Okay, at least tmr's and sunday's training only game training. Heng shit to the max.
Yes, c'mon. One week down. 6 more weeks to go! For POLITE!

P/S: Happy belated bird-day to TOH QIULING, Le Crazy. And Happy bird-day to Elroi!

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