Saturday, September 20, 2008

Lol. Haven't been blogging much. Too tired from trainings eh.
POLITE in a month's time. *fingers crossed*
And damn! 3 weeks of holidays are over alr! Super duper fast manxxx! Feels like it hasn't even been a week. Sheesh.
Yes, i dread school (because it means no more late nights and lazy mornings). Dread, dread, dread.
Yes, i love polo. Love, love, love.
And yes, i am tired. Very very tired.

Tag replies!
Sam: Lol. Yes! Train, train train! :D Jiayou to you too!

Dom: Ya! Sign me up for the swim team! Hah study hard eh!(:

My "chio" friend: Yes, still eating like a pig. And life rawks. Lol. Haha, when's your flight anyway?

Amelia: Thanks yo!!

Huiping: Hahaha i dont have your blog link!

Xiangwei: Lol it's shown on channel five??

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