Thursday, February 28, 2008
I have to say the marketing paper did suck a bit but who cares man?! Was damn stressed over it last night. I slept at 2.30 am and put my alarm at 4 am so that i could wake up and study again. Apparently, being the "known one for snoozing handphone alarms", i never woke up till 7. Yes, you should have seen that priceless look on my face. Classic shot i must say.
Past few days were just as mundane as usual eh. Stuck at home studying. Tsktsk. Such a no-lifer i was. Anyhow, still going out tmr (maybe) and off to jL's house on friday! What yay-ness! It's been a long long time since i last met up with those biatches!
And melvin is being the ultimate lame shit. (Yes, i know you are reading this melvin.) Hahaha. Well, he has always been la. But still, he is the ultimate lame yet cool shit yeah. Haven't talked to him since 2398476924782749845 years ago. Ha! Just bumped into him in the school library this afternoon.
OH, also, i talked my mom into letting me go for my surgery. Finally! I have to go consult a second doctor first though but i dont really care. I need to play waterpolo sooooo badly.
That's all for now. I can watch American Idol in total peace tonight without having to worry about any papers! What yay-ness, again!:D
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I was sitting at my seat writing my name on my econs exam script. Yes, i have completed the paper and i felt so damn relieved that one paper's over. When i wanted to check my script, i saw the time. "DIE", i thought. "Only one minute left for checking". So, i did a super brief check for sections B and C.
Okay, the check was done and i expected the teacher to say "time's up". I looked around and saw many others scribbling on their answer sheets still. "Wah, so many people cannot finish doing hur? Poor things".
I looked at the clock and looked back at the examiner, thinking "This crazy idiot sure doesn't know how to tell time eh!" At this point, i was wondering if i should actually re-check my paper and apparently, i didnt because i thought the teacher would be clever enough to find out that time is up and collect the scripts in a minute or so.
When the clock hit two minutes after 4, i saw pearlyn standing up and handing in her paper. I did the same, still thinking why the teacher hasnt noticed the time already exceeded 2 mins. I grabbed my bag and left the room.
Of course, this was the turning point.
Pearlyn gave me a confused look and quipped, "Er, the paper doesnt end till 4:30PM, what!"
"Hahaha, where got.....???"
Yes, i went totally blank.
I really wanted to go back into the class and snatch my script back! I was really the total ass man! The paper started at 2:30PM and it was supposed to be 2 hrs long!
I didnt know how i miscalculated 2 hrs from 2:30PM. Even a fifth grader is better than me in counting la. And i cant believe i did the paper in 1.5 hrs. Oh dear, i'm still feeling like a dumb ass now. A mere 5 minutes proved how silly i can be.
Luckily, even if i were to stay, i would have managed to salvage another mark only. Not that bad after all hur? And thank goodness i will be able to score at least (i've alr checked the answers with all my other friends) an A for this paper. Otherwise i wont be here blogging anymore. Hahaha.
Okay, you are officially given permission to call me an airhead.
P.S. Do teach me how to tell time in future.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
OPTION ONE: I'll just let the tear be there but it won't auto-heal. Rather, it would never heal at all. The doc said my nerve system has gotten so used to the pain, i don't feel anything. So if i choose this option, i will never get to play waterpolo ever again.
OPTION TWO: I go for surgery and get my shoulder capsule stitched back into postition. It will heal completely after 3 to 6 months but there might be a 10% recurrence. That doesn't mean i get to play waterpolo after that either. Well, i CAN play. It's just that i have to refrain from overstraining it.
So now what? I told my mom i wanna go for the 2nd option because i still want to continue playing what i really love but she insists on the first. She doesn't seem too happy about the idea of me going back to waterpolo. What ever it is, i dont really care. I am going to insist fully on the 2nd choice till i get my way. But still, even if i go for the opt, i have to be very very careful with my right shoulder. No extreme swimming for prolonged periods for time etc etc. Or maybe i will get a new metal hand. That will be damn cool. Move aside, bionic woman, i'll show you what my new hand can do! (If i really do get one. LOL)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Hey everyone out there! Please go and try this product!
It's seriously the bestest thing in town! Really really! Sedap!
Okay, food aside. I am sitting for my law paper tmr. Oh man, someone please put me on fire. Thank god it's only MCQ and true/false questions. And there is nothing much worse than having your law notes as your valentine's date. Is that cool or cool?
Oh well, at least it's study week next week. No school=waking up at noon time=life is cool yo! God bless the founder of study week.
Hahaha. And my sister has been watching GOSSIP GIRLS for the past week or so. Super bitchy! Super skanky! What's more? The current season of AMERICAN IDOL is a blast! Go check that out too.
The taste of SNYDER'S is still lingering in my mouth. Please linger a little longer because i have no idea when is the next time I am going to consume you.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A FLOWER! (What kinda species i dont know. I just drew it based on my impression of all kinds of flowers!)
Here's your flower i promised! HAHAHAH. Work of art, isn't it? Well, the stem's really ugly though. LOL. Okay, more updates tmr when i'm less tired! Off to eat the tub of CHOCOLATE VANILLA DREAM i just bought. HEAVENLY!:D
Monday, February 11, 2008
Interesting fact 2: Donald Duck comics were once banned from Finland because Donald doesn't wear pants.
Interesting fact 3: A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.
Interesting fact 4: Turkeys can reproduce without having sex. (Amazing!) It's called parthenogenesis.
Interesting fact 5: Male and female rats may have sex twenty times a day.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
On a lighter note, BCS paper was way over. The paper sucked but everyone's complaining too. So at least it's not just me. Hahaha. And it seems to me like people have a penchant for OCBC angbaos. Nine out of ten of angbaos i received are in fact OCBC ones. Even my parents are using them. Where did all those cute ratty ones go?
Anyway, will be heading down to cousin's hse later to chill a bit. Then will be going to my granny's hse for more GAMBLING! Yeah man. Gambling is seriously the best thing to do during CNY. House visitings are really a bore.
Yep, and next week's the last week of school with those crazy people. ): Then it would be study week. Gonna miss 'em truckloads.
Okay i'd better get back to studying. I hope the law papers get lost in their own boredom.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
January is finally over! Like finally! Such a bad month it was! Had so many projects, the shoulder injury and the crazy waterpolo-is-closing-down thing. Ironically, 8 days predicted that January's supposed to be the peak period for Capricorns (i'm one!). For the worse or for the better? I guess it's the former. Oh well, i dont really care since it's Feb alr.
And waterpolo is going to continue as a team in TP(: DAMN HAPPY!:D (SEE SEE?? GOOD THINGS SEEM TO HAPPEN IN FEB.) Just that we'll be a recreational team rather than a competitive one. But who cares man? At least we are still able to function. Hahah.
Exams are around the corner too. Gonna have my BCS paper next tuesday followed by my law paper on the 16th. The rest of my papers will end by Feb. And CNY's next week! ANG BAOs will be flooding in again man! yes! here comes my source of "income"! hahahaha.
Okay enough crapping, gtg study for BCS alr. Yeah, it's super boring.