Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I just went to see my orthopaediatrician. Yes, i do need surgery. It has been confirmed that i have a tear in my shoulder capsule. But i have two options. Here goes..

OPTION ONE: I'll just let the tear be there but it won't auto-heal. Rather, it would never heal at all. The doc said my nerve system has gotten so used to the pain, i don't feel anything. So if i choose this option, i will never get to play waterpolo ever again.

OPTION TWO: I go for surgery and get my shoulder capsule stitched back into postition. It will heal completely after 3 to 6 months but there might be a 10% recurrence. That doesn't mean i get to play waterpolo after that either. Well, i CAN play. It's just that i have to refrain from overstraining it.

So now what? I told my mom i wanna go for the 2nd option because i still want to continue playing what i really love but she insists on the first. She doesn't seem too happy about the idea of me going back to waterpolo. What ever it is, i dont really care. I am going to insist fully on the 2nd choice till i get my way. But still, even if i go for the opt, i have to be very very careful with my right shoulder. No extreme swimming for prolonged periods for time etc etc. Or maybe i will get a new metal hand. That will be damn cool. Move aside, bionic woman, i'll show you what my new hand can do! (If i really do get one. LOL)

1 comment:

xiangwei (: said...

HEY! you okay? 1 year of being in different class, school and we don't even know what's happening. ): same clique somemore cannnn.

talk to me (& us!) more often on msn. i don't care, now whenever you come online, i'm going to bug you regardless of your status.

& take care kays! health before interest, really. (: